SME Support Call for Order-Based R&D Projects (Order R&D - 2020) Opened.
In the Order R&D - 2020 call, R&D projects that can quickly turn into products and have a high commercialisation potential will be supported.
Ülkemizdeki sanayi kuruluşlarının %99’undan fazlası KOBİ’dir. Dolayısıyla, KOBİ’lerin Ar-Ge ile geliştireceği ve potansiyel müşterisi hazır olan yenilikçi ürünlerin/süreçlerin, bir Müşteri Kuruluş eşliğinde geliştirileceği ortaklı projelerin desteklenmesi; hem işbirliklerini artıracak hem de Ar-Ge destekleri için ayrılan kamu kaynaklarının daha etkin kullanımını sağlayabilecektir. Bu süreç ülkemizin sürdürülebilir kalkınmasına da katkı sağlayacaktır.
For more detailed information; www.tubitak.gov.tr
Patent Based Technology Transfer Support Call (Patent Licence - 2020 - 1)
In order to ensure the transfer of patented technologies developed in universities, research institutions and technology development zones to industry, a call was launched within the scope of the Innovation Support Programme.
In the Patent Based Technology Transfer Support Call, universities, research infrastructures, technology development zone companies and technology transfer offices are defined as Technology Provider Institutions. The Client Organisation is defined as a capital company resident in Turkey that aims to create economic value by acquiring the technologies protected by national or international patents, to which the Technology Provider Organisation is entitled, through licensing or transfer. Within the scope of the call, joint applications of one Customer Organisation and at least one Technology Provider Organisation will be accepted.
For more detailed information; www.tubitak.gov.tr
1512 Techno-Entrepreneurship Capital Support Programme aims to support the activities of entrepreneurs from the idea stage to the market so that they can transform their technology and innovation-oriented business ideas into enterprises with high potential to create added value and qualified employment, thus encouraging qualified entrepreneurship and creating start-up companies that can develop innovative, high-tech products and services with international competitiveness.
For more detailed information; www.tubitak.gov.tr
1501 Industry R&D Support Programme will be carried out with budget-based calls to be opened twice a year starting from January 2020 in order to ensure more effective use of public resources for the country's needs and national goals.
For more detailed information; www.tubitak.gov.tr
These are national and/or international events organised to create an environment for cooperation opportunities by bringing together representatives from universities, research and private sector organisations who have concrete R&D ideas or project proposals, who need contributions in areas of expertise other than their own abilities in order to realise them, who investigate the existence of demand for project proposals or results, who want to make technological or financial contributions to the project cooperation proposals offered, and who come together and introduce their projects to each other with their active participation.
For more detailed information; www.tubitak.gov.tr
1507 SME R&D Start-up Support Programme will be carried out with budget-based calls to be opened twice a year starting from January 2020 in order to ensure more effective use of public resources for country needs and national targets.
With the support to be provided to the projects within the scope of the programme, it is aimed for SMEs to become more competitive by improving their technology and innovation capacities, to make systematic projects, to develop products with high added value, to have a corporate research and technology development culture, and to take part more effectively in national and international support programmes.
For more detailed information; www.tubitak.gov.tr
1511 - TUBITAK Priority Areas Research Technology Development and Innovation Projects Support Programme aims to support target and need-oriented projects with traceable results in the priority areas of our country. With the support to be provided under the programme,
- increasing technological competence and know-how
- the utilisation of existing skills in different areas
- development of indigenous technologies
- It is aimed to gain momentum in technological development.
For more detailed information; www.tubitak.gov.tr
The aim of the R&D and Innovation Support Programme is to enable small and medium-sized enterprises and entrepreneurs with new ideas and inventions based on science and technology to produce new products, new processes, information and/or services through research and development and innovation projects to be supported.
For more detailed information; www.kosgeb.gov.tr
The scope of the Industrial Implementation Programme is to support the projects prepared for the production of a new product/service, improvement of its quality, introduction of new cost-reducing techniques, commercialisation of products or processes in accordance with the market by KOSGEB.
For more detailed information; www.kosgeb.gov.tr
- Production and commercialisation of products resulting from R&D/innovation activities
- To support investments to be made by enterprises in order to ensure the production and commercialisation of products in the field of medium-high and high technology that will contribute to the current account by the domestic industry.
For more detailed information; www.kosgeb.gov.tr
Objective: Within the scope of the Technology-Oriented Industrial Move Programme carried out by the Ministry of Industry and Technology, it is to support the investment projects you will make to increase the production of high value-added products in medium-high and high-tech sectors in Turkey and products that are critical for the development of these sectors.
Scope: Within the scope of the programme, your investment projects will be supported up to a total of (five million) TL, of which 1.500.000 (one million five hundred thousand) TL is non-refundable and 3.500.000 (three million five hundred thousand) TL is refundable.
For more detailed information; www.kosgeb.gov.tr